5 must-read logistics articles this summer

The last year has been very special for the world and everyone in it. It has shown our vulnerability and it has at the same time pointed out what we can achieve a lot when we put our minds to it.

The last year has been very special for the world and everyone in it. It has shown our vulnerability and it has at the same time pointed out what we can achieve a lot when we put our minds to it. The last year has also really put a spotlight on logistics and the importance of functioning supply chains.

And right now, vacation is around the corner and we all need to recharge our batteries. Summer is a great time for good reading and finding new inspiration. So, what should you read then? Well, we’ve summarized five of our most popular articles that you shouldn’t miss. Enjoy reading and have a nice summer!

1. Short sea shipping – how beneficial is it?

Short sea shipping is said to provide great economic and environmental benefits. And the fact is that more companies are looking into the possibilities of short sea shipping, especially in Europe. But how much can you actually benefit from shipping your goods by short sea? Read this article and you’ll get your answers.

How COVID-19 is affecting the shipping industry - and how to navigate through the storm

2. How COVID-19 is affecting the shipping industry – and how to navigate through the storm

The coronavirus pandemic turned the world upside down. Life as we know it has drastically changed, and we are facing enormous challenges across all sectors of society. Being the backbone of global trade and economy, the shipping industry has a great role to play. If you want to know how COVID-19 is affecting the shipping industry, how to make sure your logistics will run smoothly and what the future holds for the shipping industry? Read this blog article and learn more.

3. Four tips on how to ship lithium batteries safely

Lithium batteries are small devices with large power. Used in laptops, smartphones, electric vehicles, and medical devices, they connect our world and help save lives. But they are also classified as dangerous goods and require careful handling and transportation. Want 4 tips on how to ship lithium batteries safely? Read this blog article.

4 tips on how to ship lithium batteries safely

4. Brexit and its effects on the logistics process

Since 2021 started, the impact of Brexit has had an effect on every stage of the logistics process, from transport fees and new limitations to restrictions on imported goods. How does it look 6 months into Brexit? What positive and negative effects of Brexit can we see so far? What are the biggest Brexit-challenges for customers right now? How has Brexit affected the historical trade between Sweden and UK? The answers are found in this blog article.

5. Freight Forwarding – an industry in rapid transformation

Freight Forwarding – an industry in rapid transformationCOVID-19 put a spotlight on the importance of good logistics and speeded up the transformation of the industry. How has the pandemic driven the change within logistics? What will we see more of forward? Greencarrier Freight Services’ Innovation Manager, Erik Sjöström, shares takeaways about the rising shipping costs, logistics trends, changes during COVID-19 and how to break internal organizational silos. Don’t miss this article!

Thank you for reading our blog. Looking for any other information about Greencarrier? Find more information here or get social with us in our social media channels. We will be back with fresh articles on the Greencarrier blog in August! Until then, have a nice summer!


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