A perfect match based on heritage and future

On August 8, we, the Greencarrier Group, signed an agreement that will allow the Swedish Ship Götheborg to sail again.

The Swedish Ship will sail again

On August 8, we, the Greencarrier Group, signed an agreement that will allow the Swedish Ship Götheborg to sail again. This is done by acquiring all the shares in SOIC Ship Management AB, a subsidiary of Svenska Ostindiska Companiet AB (SOIC AB), and at the same time leasing the ship Götheborg for the next two years. We thus take over the responsibility for operation and maintenance of the Swedish Ship driver until 2022.

But what makes us want to buy an old brand with its company and, to top it all, use an ancient ship with its growing, modern and forward-looking company? How modern and forward-looking can it be? If you think about it, it is so much better connected than you first realize. Our company Greencarrier is based on our Swedish heritage of commerce and shipping. Greencarrier is based on the fact that we want to do sustainable business between people, companies and between countries. But another thing is also certain.

A decision made by the heart

Stefan Björk, owner and founder of Greencarrier makes this decision with all his heart, and he does so on the basics that make the decision completely natural and with a forward-thinking spirit;

– When we start our journey towards a sustainable future with commerce, shipping and logistics as our base, Svenska Ostindiska Companiet is simply our starting point. We are proud of our origins and we want to build on that in the future.

-Greencarrier may “only” turn 20 next year, but our history goes much further back in time. That is why we want SOIC and the ship to become our natural symbol and platform to do so.

Sweden the first Western country to recognize the PRC – People’s Republic of China. This happened on May 9, 1950 and the 70th anniversary is celebrated next year 2020. Today we trade with China more than ever. Greencarrier is growing and already has 7 offices in the country. SOIC also has a unique position in China, which we are convinced is valuable for our future business. We want Sweden to become an even stronger trading partner to China and there we can at Greencarrier, through just SOIC and the ship, make great use.

Common values between us

SOIC and Greencarrier basically share common values ​​on which we base our operations on a daily basis. Without humor & joy, dedication and participation, neither Greencarrier nor SOIC would have come a long way. Being a value-driven company does not happen by producing some words that will symbolize what we believe in and what we stand for. Being a value-driven company is when everyone, regardless of function, knows how to act every day to live the values, culture and brand. You know the difference between doing a job and getting involved in your job, for real. That is why we often say that, had we not had our staff at Greencarrier, then we would not have existed. And that’s why thousands of amazing volunteers do wonders as they give of their time to the Swedish Ship. It’s so strong. And it is for real!

Join us on the journey

The decision is made by the heart. That Stefan makes that decision means that he genuinely loves our Swedish cultural heritage in commerce and shipping. He genuinely cares about the importance of managing the brand that the Swedish Ship stands for. And he genuinely believes that you can manage it by bringing it into the future with Greencarrier. So join us on our journey, this is just the first start and a more detailed sailing schedule will be presented in short. We will use the fantastic history we have and create an even more sustainable cultural heritage through trade, shipping and logistics in the future. And that trip we want as many people as possible to keep up with! You also!

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