“Am I good enough? Do I have enough experience? Can I really do it?”

She graduated from Chalmers University in 2016 and started her journey as a summer intern at Greencarrier Liner Agency Sweden.

She graduated from Chalmers University in 2016 and started her journey as a summer intern at Greencarrier Liner Agency Sweden. Despite only being a part of the Greencarrier Group since 2016, Sara has come across several challenges in her career and said yes to them all! Get to know her more in this interview.

Hi Sara, can you tell us about your journey within Greencarrier Group? 

It started as a summer internship, but a couple of weeks later I was offered a full time position at the Customer Service Import department. Since I started here, I have been surrounded by great colleagues with a lot of knowledge and I have learned a lot in a short time. In the beginning of 2017, I got the opportunity to switch department and work for the Customer Service Export team. To be honest, I am very glad that I took the chance in the end, even though I had to consider it for a while before I said yes. After almost one and a half year within customer service, a new opportunity came across my path and I became a part of our sales team in the end of 2017. So there I am today, enjoying working with sales support. I am still finding my place in my new role, but I am glad that I have faced every opportunity that Greencarrier has given me with a yes and I am truly grateful that my journey within the company is still very much on-going.

When you do something for a while, how do you dare to let go of all that and do something different?

All of my different job positions have come quite quickly and I haven’t really had the time to get bored in a position before jumping to a new one. But when the opportunities have come across my path, I have thought about how much new things I can learn and how it can develop me. Since I love to meet new people and learn new things, it has become quite clear to me that I should not hesitate to try something new.

At Greencarrier, we have a mindset that says “Yes, it’s possible!”. Do you see any connection between this mindset and your internal journey at the company?

Every time I have faced a new challenge, I have small monologues with myself: “Am I good enough? Do I have enough experience? Can I really do it?”. And every time, I come to a point where I think “Well off course I can do this, YES IT’S POSSIBLE!” Our company’s mindset has become a mindset of my own, when it comes to how I think about my future and career.

What is the best thing about working at Greencarrier?

It is hard to choose, I have great colleagues and I enjoy the strong team spirit that we have. But I also like the fact that this company wants to invest in young and new people, so that people like me get a chance to establish them self and start a career within the Greencarrier Group.

At Greencarrier, our core values – Commitment, Involvement and Humour & Joy – define who we are and what we stand for. How do you apply them in your day to day work? 

Regardless if it is about my approach with customers, colleagues or the way I do my job on a daily basis, I always try to be committed and involved. Likewise, I have these values in mind when it comes to my own career. For me, it is important that I take the driver’s seat when it comes to what I want to develop and how to do it. To be involved and committed to your employer and in your daily work, is self-evident to me. But I think that it is equally important to be committed and involved in yourself and your personal development. And when it comes to Humour & Joy, hey what would life be without it? I always try to spread good energy and put a smile on the people nearby – regardless if it is my colleagues, best friend or someone I just meet for one day.

Do you have any tips for others who would like to take the next step in their own career?

Dare to take charge of your own development, believe in yourself and be true to yourself in what you want to do within your career! If you want to do something more or something different, tell your Manager what you want to do and what kind of new challenges you need in your work life. Nobody can read your mind, so expressing your ambition or goal, is the key to start the journey and to get where you want to be.

Thank you, Sara!

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