Beach cleaning day in Hong Kong – a win-win project

As a logistics and transport company we believe it’s extra important to care about the environment. Recently the Greencarrier offices in Hong Kong and Shenzhen organized a beach cleaning day.

As a logistics and transport company we believe it’s extra important to care about the environment. Recently the Greencarrier offices in Hong Kong and Shenzhen organized a beach cleaning day at Po Toi Island, just outside Hong Kong.

Taking responsibility for our waters

We cannot hide from the fact that the environmental impact of transportation is significant. After all, transports are a major consumer of energy and burn much of the world’s petroleum. The best option for saving the environment would probably be to stop all global transportation. Since we’re dependent on transports, it might be a bit tricky… But, we can take responsibility for minimising our ecological footprint – starting with the ocean!

Trash is washed up on the shores, every day

Outside Hong Kong there are several islands, some are inhabited and some aren’t. What they all have in common is that a lot of trash is washed up on the shores every day, mainly coming with the tides from the big oceans outside the islands. The trash is polluting the beaches and the fish are eating the plastic – the same fish we might catch for dinner later.

Plastics pollution is one of the most serious threats to our oceans. Unlike other types of trash it doesn’t biodegrade. Instead it photo-degrades with sunlight, breaking down into smaller pieces, but they never really disappear. As it poses a significant threat to both ocean and human health, we thought we might do something to minimise its environmental impact.

Cleaning the beaches together on Po Toi Island

Together with the Swedish Chamber of commerce in Hong Kong we organised a beach cleaning day. We gathered our office staff, customers, friends and others and spent the entire day cleaning the beaches. It was a great opportunity to do something locally in our own community, especially because Hong Kong has a high environmental awareness.

The project corresponds well to the Greencarrier Spirit, which focuses on the environment, involving ourselves in projects (not only making donations), connecting to the local countries where we’re present and working with business related issues, including long term commitments.

After the cleaning was done, we enjoyed a good seafood lunch together and summed up the day. It was a fantastic day and there were a lot of happy faces when we returned from Po Toi Island to Hong Kong.

The work continues

We will continue to voice our concern for the environmental situation locally in Hong Kong, as well as globally. Our hope is to bring up some thoughts and reflections about how we all can make small changes in our lives towards a large positive change and perhaps also influence others to reduce the amount of trash through shared grass root efforts. Because in the end, it’s a win-win situation for all of us who share this planet.

+46 31 85 32 00

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