Best of 2019 – 9 popular blog articles about logistics and transportation

2019 is coming to an end and this year has brought a lot of lessons and insights in the transport and logistics industry.  During the year, we have shared a lot of knowledge and expertise at our Greencarrier Blog. After publishing 23 brand new blog articles this year, we were curious about which topics caught your […]

2019 is coming to an end and this year has brought a lot of lessons and insights in the transport and logistics industry.  During the year, we have shared a lot of knowledge and expertise at our Greencarrier Blog.

After publishing 23 brand new blog articles this year, we were curious about which topics caught your interest the most during the year. Therefore, we have summarized the most popular articles on our blog in 2019. Check out the list and enjoy!

10 Shipping terms every international shipper should know

COD, CYCY, DM, and DT. Say what? For an untrained ear, this can sound like a foreign language. Understanding shipping terms is crucial when transporting goods across the globe, but it is not easy to remember exactly what the various abbreviations stand for. To make it easier for you, we have put together a short reference guide with 10 important shipping terms.

Customer Story: Transport and logistics of timber for Danish Hardwood

What do you know about the wood industry? We had a chat with Danish Hardwood about challenges when handling transport and logistics of timber and what they value most in their choice of transport suppliers. Read the full interview here.

Ballast water management plan and Evergreen Line’s actions to comply with the regulation

What is a ballast water management plan? How can it protect the environment and what are the requirements for ships? In this blog post, we share the essential facts about this regulation, together with the actions Evergreen Line has taken to adapt to the regulation in their operations.

Logistics performance is in the eye of the beholder

These days, visibility seems to be on everyone’s lips in the logistics industry. But what does visibility actually mean? And is high visibility really equivalent to good logistics performance? Read this article and find out what we think.

Where will road freight be in 10 years from now?

Where will road freight be 10 years from now? Driverless vehicles beaming through the air and capsules transporting goods in the blink of an eye. Sounds like a sci-fi movie? The truth is, the future is not very far away. In this blog article, you can read more about road freight and the future.

Being relevant has never been more important

Being relevant has never been more important. What does customer centricity mean to you and your organization? In this article, you can read more about customer centricity and how Greencarrier has re-shaped the strategy in this direction.

Top 4 Benefits of rail freight

Someone once said “It doesn’t matter which side of the tracks you are from. The train still rolls the same.“ True, the train rolls wherever the rail goes and reliability is just one of the many benefits of rail freight. In this blog post, we have listed the 4 top benefits with choosing rail freight when shipping your goods.

5 things you need to know about the new IMO Sulphur regulations

IMO 2020 is around the corner. Are you ready? The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has implemented a new global sulphur limitation on fuel used on board ships starting 1 January 2020. In this article, we have summarized important facts about the new regulation, how it will affect ship operations and protect marine life.

Always greener solutions in mind for a sustainable future

Sustainability is both a responsibility and an opportunity to secure the future of business and society. This topic is an issue high on the agenda in most industries today, and the transport and logistics sector is no exception. In honor of the International Women’s Day, we interviewed three of our many amazing women at Greencarrier. Read the article to find out what they think about this topic.

Thank you for reading our blog. Are you looking for any other information about Greencarrier? You can find more information at our web page or get social with us in our social media channels.

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