Caring and sharing are the secrets of living

Nowadays it feels more important than ever to care for people in many ways. We know that no one can do everything, but surely we can all do...

Caring and sharing are the secrets of living

Nowadays it feels more important than ever to care for people in many ways. We know that no one can do everything, but surely we can all do something. In the large or small doesn’t matter. What you, me or we do together is just as important. Our Christmas donation 2016 will be to plan International, a fundraising event for hidden humanitarian disaster areas.

We would not have been anything without neither our clients nor our employees. We would not have been anything without the good societies and cultures that we operate in. Therefore we are all interdependent.

Greencarrier has decided that, as long as we humbly find ourselves in the situation to make a profit, we will always try to give back to the societies around us. It can be to contribute to the Baltic Sea that we use for transportation every day or to improve our trucks in order to have less impact on the environment. It could also be to contribute to the organizations that are struggling to make a difference in the world every day. Organizations that we admire.

Through our values; commitment, involvement and humor & joy, we want to do what we can. We call it Greencarrier Spirit. Just like last year, our employees have now voted that we should make our Christmas contribution this year to Plan International. A good choice, we would say!

As a Plan-friend this Christmas, we give longer, we give future. That feels good.






About Plan International

Plan International is a development and humanitarian organisation that advan-ces children’s rights and equality for girls. They strive for a just world, wor-king together with children, young people, our supporters and partners.

Lucia at Greencarrier provides assistance to disaster areas

This year’s Lucia celebration, at our head office, opened a Greencarrier account at Musikhjälpen (Music Aid), which is a fundraising event for hidden humanitarian disaster areas. The amount contributed by employees was doubled by an equal contribution from the company.





About Musikhjälpen (Music Aid)
Three well-known TV hosts live in a glass cage sending radio and TV around the clock for 144 hours. Meanwhile, they get visits by artists and famous people who get involved in this action. The collection is based on the audience’s song requests which also represent the music in the program.

We wish you all a merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

/The Blogging Crew

+46 31 85 32 00

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