Improved cargo flow by outsourcing logistics activities

Logistics is a core competency, and also the biggest reason companies choose to outsource their logistics activities: It allows them to focus on their core business.
Improved cargo flow by outsourcing logistics activities

Cost savings is no longer the only top priority for companies looking for outsourcing partners. More so, they want a partner who can provide the expertise and knowledge not found in-house. Logistics is a core competency, and also the biggest reason companies choose to outsource their logistics activities: It allows them to focus on their core business. This is precisely what one of our customers did. Here is the story.

In need of a qualified and experienced customs broker

Back in 2007, an international company, best known for its leading technology in the power, renewable energy, aviation and healthcare industries, reached out to us. The company was struggling with custom formalities for shipments from China to Latvia. They were in need of a qualified and experienced customs broker that could handle the complex procedures and formalities for their large goods volumes. Together with the company, we looked into the possibilities, and a collaboration was initiated that would turn into a long-lasting relationship.

Logistics as a core competency

In 2018, the company renominated us as their customs broker. This time, the scope was a bit wider. Our customer is a large international company with businesses all over the world and large goods volumes that need to be moved across borders. Instead of employing their own logistics experts, they wanted to outsource their customs brokerage to us. Logistics being our core competency, this was a perfect match.

Providing our expert knowledge in customs brokerage

Two of our logistics experts would dedicate their resources exclusively to our customer’s account and work in their name. Thanks to our previous collaboration, we already knew the ins and outs of the company and their import and export requirements. After closing the agreement, including strict disclosure requirements and confidentiality rules, our logistics experts were ready to get to work.

expert knowledge in customs brokerage

Greencarrier Freight Services took care of customs procedures and formalities, making sure the shipments met all standards and regulations for import and export as well as requirements for customs clearance. We handled all the necessary documentation, duties, taxes, and payments.

Managing the cargo flow from A to Z

Managing the cargo flow from A to Z

In 2020, the company reached out to us once again. They had a similar project in one of the CIS countries and needed our help. However, this time, they wanted us to not only handle customs procedures and formalities but also manage their entire cargo flow from A to Z. This included all transport modes and multiple trade lanes. It also required logistics experts that could speak English and Russian fluently working in international teams.

Said and done. By keeping up with policies and regulations, we made sure our customer was up-to-date in their compliance with standards. We took care of everything from commercial invoices and packing lists to certificates and updating software. We handled customs clearance and formalities and made sure the cargo reached its destination in time. With up-to-date knowledge in customs compliance and trade facilitation, we also acted as an advisory partner and took responsibility for communicating with all parties involved.


By being aware of international relations literacy and understanding that each culture and country has its own speed, work ethics and work style, the project turned out to be highly successful. Today, our collaboration continues, and even though our customer is very content, we are constantly working to improve their logistics and looking into new possibilities.

When it comes to our customer relationships, we are in it for the long term. Having customers re-nominating us time and time again is always our goal and something we are very proud of.

Why you should outsource logistics activities

By turning to a qualified logistics expert, our customer could strictly focus on what they do best; their core business. This is a major benefit of outsourcing logistics activities to someone whose core competency is logistics. But there are also other benefits involved such as cost-savings, increased flexibility, improved performance, higher reliability, and reduced risks. Outsourcing logistics activities should ultimately be about benefiting from the core competency of an expert to create value and increase the profits of your own business.

Are you also in need of a logistics expert?

If you only have a few product types and trade lanes to move your goods over, you might be fine handling customs procedures and formalities in-house. However, the moment things become a little more complex, it is time to seek out the services of a dedicated logistics expert: someone that has logistics as their core competency.

Are you at that moment? We are here to help. Contact me today, and we will look into how your logistics can be improved – so that you can focus on your core business.

+46 31 85 32 00

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