International Women’s Day: Meet some of the women at Greencarrier!

The transport and logistics sector is typically described as non-traditional for women.

The transport and logistics sector is typically described as non-traditional for women. There is often a perception that the employees in this industry are men and that most work in this industry is stereotypical for men. At Greencarrier, we have a lot of dedicated professionals – both women and men. Our main asset is our employees who bring knowledge, experience and humour & joy to the table every day. The Greencarrier Group consists of 800 employees in 12 countries and we are happy to say that we work in an organization with 45% women, even though the industry is classified as stereotypical for men. To celebrate the International Women’s Day, we want to highlight four of our many amazing women at Greencarrier. Get to know Julia, Anna, Hanna and Ewa below!

Hi Julia Rahula, our Managing Director for Greencarrier Estonia! How did you first got involved with the world of shipping and logistics?  

During my last years of school, I paid much interest for transportation and logistics, reading articles about the industry and participating in fairs for future students. When I studied at Estonian Maritime Academy 2001, I had a summer internship in different logistics companies and shipping lines. After graduation I immediately started to work with container shipping industry.

What do you do at Greencarrier?
Besides enjoying every working day, I am Managing Director for Greencarrier Estonia. My main responsibility is to develop the business of Greencarrier Estonia and to run the office in the most efficient way. My responsibilities starting from setting up the strategy and goals, hiring people to allocation of tasks and reporting to the Head Quarters.

What do you find most challenging about your role at Greencarrier?
Every day we are facing variety of challenges. But the most challenging right now is to predict how the local market and global shipping industry will change in the near future. Also how the adjustments of the cooperation with customers and partners will look like, regarding new digital solutions where we still want to keep a personal approach to our customers.

What would you tell someone who is thinking about joining Greencarrier?
If you would like to influence the transportation and logistics industry and be the part of an ever-changing sector, if you would like to grow your skills and have opportunities to develop carrier within the Greencarrier Group and to do it with professional people around you – Greencarrier is the right place for that.

Your best advice to others that want to do what you do and work with transport and logistics?
Never stop the development of yourself. Be committed for what you are interested in, set up goals and follow them. Be open to innovative solutions, collaborate with partners and stay positive!

Hi Anna Taranger, our General Manager Marketing & Sales at Greencarrier Liner Agency Sweden. How did you first got involved with the world of shipping and logistics?

I actually studied economics and BA at the university and one day, a new friend of mine described her working day in shipping. I was appealed by the international environment and managed to get an internship within a liner agency of the traditional style, with several different representations for different principals. It was truly exiting to work with different cultures like South Americans, Germans, South Africans and Americans etc. – all under the same umbrella in one company!

What do you do at Greencarrier?
I work as General Manager Marketing & Sales for Greencarrier Liner Agency Sweden, representing Evergreen Line in Sweden. In short, I am responsible for the commercial side of our agency.

What do you find most challenging about your role at Greencarrier?
The most challenging and exiting part of my role is to try to be as relevant as possible for our customers over time. By that I mean an ongoing work to find out the customers’ needs and how we, as Greencarrier Liner Agency, can fit in and enable the best cooperation possible. Also the dynamic environment we face in the shipping industry can be considered a challenge, but likewise it is a great motivator for me in my role to constantly evaluate our business and to inspire my colleagues to do the same.

What would you tell someone who is thinking about joining Greencarrier?
If you are a curious person, if you like people and enjoy building relations, you will find Greencarrier a good place to be. If you are new in the business you will quickly get a thorough understanding of liner shipping in a broader perspective. Because we like to build competence with our colleagues, which is good on a personal level for each end every one of us, but it is also great for the company as one where we get skilled and competent co-workers!

Your best advice to others that want to do what you do and work with transport and logistics?
If you have a chance to start your career in a smaller organization you can take advantage of the better overview you get here of all different areas of our business.  The knowledge you collect is extremely valuable going forward in your career.

Hi Hanna Sillänpää, our Air Freight Manager at Greencarrier Freight Services Finland. How did you first got involved with the world of shipping and logistics?

I joined it a little bit by accident. I was still on my last few months of studying when an acquaintance of mine, asked me if I would be interested in working part time at a freight forwarding company until I finished my studies. I landed the job and started to work with courier and air import shipments. Still today, I am working with air freight and enjoying it, so I definitely have someone to thank for opening the door to me.

What do you do at Greencarrier?
I work as the Air Freight Manager at Greencarrier Freight Services Finland.

What do you find most challenging about your role at Greencarrier?
The fact that you go to work every day without knowing really what’s ahead – which is Air Freight in a nutshell, but that is also the best thing about it!

What would you tell someone who is thinking about joining Greencarrier?
At Greencarrier everybody is part of the team. We believe in humour and joy, which creates positive attitude and a happy atmosphere for achieving better results. We love to challenge ourselves, our organization and our customers in order to be successful.

Your best advice to others that want to do what you do and work with transport and logistics?
Be open minded and client centric. Air Freight can be quite hectic and quick decisions are needed, new things come up all the time so you need to be prepared to adopt to new ways of doing things. See the possibilities in every challenge no matter how big or small and make it happen!

Hi Ewa Osowska, our Sales Manager at Greencarrier Freight Services Poland. How did you first got involved with the world of shipping and logistics?

When I was six years old my father started to work in one of the biggest Polish transport companies. He inspired me and when I started studying I got my first job as Air Freight Forwarder Assistant at Poznan Airport Cargo Terminal. I was the youngest employee there and 15 years later, I am still working in the industry.

What do you do at Greencarrier?
I joined the Greencarrier team two years ago.  This year I became Sales Manager for Greencarrier Freight Services Poland, meaning that I am responsible for planning and realization of country sales strategy and budget, recruiting, objectives setting, coaching and performance monitoring of sales representatives. Building strong and long-lasting customer relationships, presenting the sales results to the management team, building good co-operation with our sales teams from foreign countries are also some of my main tasks.

What do you find most challenging about your role at Greencarrier?
Sometimes it is challenging leading the sales team to keep the team always motivated and enthusiastic about goals. Challenging but fun!

What would you tell someone who is thinking about joining Greencarrier?
Greencarrier is a company of open minded people involved in their work. We care about good positive relationships inside the company and long term partnerships with our customers and subcontractors.

Your best advice to others that want to do what you do and work with transport and logistics?
Be optimistic, always involved, positive stubborn in pursuing the goal and always open for learning and development.

We hope you have enjoyed reading this article and do not hesitate to get in touch with us in the comment field below. Do you want to get to know more of our colleagues? Visit our websites at Greencarrier Freight Services and Greencarrier Liner Agency.

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