News & Stories

With over 30 years of expertise in providing global multifunctional shipping solutions and growing alongside our clients, we are delighted to share the knowledge we’ve acquired. Please feel free to explore our industry insights.

As the world's second largest exporter of fish, Norway is known for its cold, clear waters. Last year only, the country exported almost 1 million tonnes of salmon......

Last week Greencarrier Liner Agency Estonia received the entrepreneurial award within the category Transport and Logistics at the Estonian Business Award gala....

We may be a logistics and transport company, but nevertheless do we care about things outside our own industry. Greencarrier’s heart pounds for many CSR projects, and one of them...

A few days ago, the TransRussia exhibition was held in Moscow. It’s a massive event where the leading transport and freight forwarding companies and......

Shipping by air might seem like a piece of cake - and to be honest - for us who’s been in the transport business for some time, it is!...

We believe social media is a great way of communicating. By taking part in our channels you can connect with other like-minded individuals and experts......