News & Stories

With over 30 years of expertise in providing global multifunctional shipping solutions and growing alongside our clients, we are delighted to share the knowledge we’ve acquired. Please feel free to explore our industry insights.

Get ready to raise a glass to the incredible journey of Fuglsang’s malt. For over 30 years, we have handled the containerised shipments of malt across the globe for Fuglsang,...

As the calendar turns to a new year, new shipping regulations take effect. Keeping track of them all, understanding what they mean and how they affect you, can be challenging....

The transition to a climate-neutral society requires all economic sectors to play their role. Responsible for about 2.5% of the world’s total CO2 emissions, the shipping industry is no exception....

As the entire world goes digital, the shipping industry just cannot wait. I met up with Heikki Aulanko to have a chat about what future possibilities digitalisation can bring to...

COD, CYCY, and DM. Say what? For an untrained ear, this is just gibberish. Here is a quick reference guide for the most common shipping terms....

What do one billion Chinese people have in common first week of October each year? The answer is celebration, celebration, and celebration!...